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Aslan - Who is he?

The children are told that Aslan has “been away”.  Have you ever felt like God has been away for awhile?


Is it hard to look at the news or current events and not think that God’s on vacation?  Explain.


Peter says “Who is Aslan?”  What would you say if a stranger came into your classroom one day and said “Who is God?”  How would you explain God to someone who had absolutely no idea?


The beaver is asked  “What is Aslan like?”  The Beaver says “He’s like everything we ever heard.”  What were you taught that God was like when you were little?


What are you told about God now? 


Read Psalms 93 and 97.  Is it hard to imagine God being exactly like that?



Read Isaiah 9:1-7 and Matthew 3:1-12


What do these prophecies tell us about Jesus? 


How to they relate to Aslan?   


If the people had been taught these prophesies why do you think they had such a hard time believing them?


Do you think your life is written down in some big heavenly book somewhere, that the beginning middle and end are all laid out? 


Do you think you have a choice in the matter? Why or why not?




Aslan asks Lucy and Susan to keep him company as he walks to his death and then tells them to “wait here.”

Later he says the line “It is finished”.  What other scenes in the movie seem to mirror the life of Jesus?


Aslan tells the White Witch “I was there when the law was written.”.  Read Job 38: 4-19 (and beyond).  What do these lines tell us about God?


When Aslan decides to sacrifice himself for Edmund’s “sins,” it seems like a negotiation with evil.  Is it possible to negotiate with evil? 


Have you ever tried to compromise with a “white witch”? 


What was the last thing you “sacrificed” for someone else? 


Was it a sacrifice or an inconvenience?


Heaven on Earth

 Aslan says this must happen “for all our families”.  Animals of all species were united under Aslan--even some who would normally be enemies. How is this like the kingdom of God? 


How are we doing and creating it “on earth as it is in heaven”?



Aslan talks with Edmund privately. He does not roar or seem to get angry at the boy.  Then he says “No need to speak about the past.”   Do you think everyone forgave Edmund? 


God tells us to forgive those who betray us, how well do you think we do? 


How easy is it for you personally to forgive and forget? 


How does God forgive us?



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